Import Scripts from Notes app
Importing scripts from the Notes app on iOS
Importing scripts from the Notes app on iOS
Types of PDF Unfortunately not all PDF documents are born equal. While they all may
Save time by dictating your script directly into the app It’s very easy to dictate
Sharing scripts It is possible to share scripts across multiple devices. For example… You are
About the Files App on iOS The Files app is automatically added on all iOS
Email your scripts to us If you are working on a computer and would like
To import from iCloud, please follow the instructions for importing scripts from the Files app.
Import scripts into Teleprompter App using iOS From the recording screen, tap the Scripts icon
Import scripts into Teleprompter App using iOS From the recording screen, tap the Scripts icon
Import scripts into Teleprompter App using iOS From the recording screen, tap the Scripts icon
Format your script Use the formatting toolbar to add some nice colours, fonts and formatting